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I have been waiting years for a plastic version of this vehicle to appear . The Model Victoria version was simply beyond my means and I did not have the confidence to tackle an all resin kit at the time. Trumpeter to the rescue and their version with injection moulded plastic . I have my own theory concerning the design ; after all the engineers and planners had finished , they handed the project over to Ferrari to design the rest, it looks so good from every angle. That's Italian design for you. So now we have an English modeler, building a Chinese kit, of an Italian vehicle issued to the Spanish army, well this is an international magazine.
Trumpeters large and diverse range of models have one thing in common, they are all moulded in a light grey plastic. Which makes it easier for customers to explore and scrutinize the quality of the contents. In the case of the Centauro these are excellent also included are a small photo etch fret, clear parts for the periscopes etc, metal cable for the tow rope, and finally eight rubber tyres. The plans are very clear and concise with a logical step by step process of construction.

The assembly begins with the one piece lower hull and the fitting of the various drive shafts power take off units and steering linkages. I did not spend too much time cleaning these parts as they are almost impossible to see on the finished model.
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Esta Nota es ofrecida en formato PDF, el cual puede ser leído o impreso usando el Acrobat reader, contacte a nuestro webmaster > Aquí Incluye más de 74 imágenes, aquí solo mostramos las paginas de texto.
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