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This kit was announced as Schumacher’s last F1 car and represented the single-seater he raced in 2006 Brazil GP. Except for a few details, it’s a faithful replica. My intention was not to build an exact version that ran in one particular Grand Prix but to give my model as much detail as possible, in fact, I neither had the intention to show the model with the wings and cowling in place since I wanted to leave the engine with plenty of detail visible.
The kit
After a few years without news in this scale, finally in 2007 Fujimi released the Ferrari 126C2 and then the future releases: 126CK and 641-2.
Though I’ll get around to them sometime, these F1 are not my favorite; but what came in 2009 and 2010 was definitely the best.
2009 |
2010 |
Fujimi Ferrari 248 |
Fujimi Ferrari F92A
Fujimi Ferrari F2007 |
Fujimi Mclaren Honda MP4-5 |
Fujimi Ferrari F1 87-88 |
Fujimi Williams FW16 |
Fujimi Mclaren Honda MP4-6 |
Fujimi Williams FW14b |
Tamiya Ferrari F60 |
Tamiya Lotus type 79 |
Hasegawa also released two kits. Let me confess that although all these kits attract my attention, I have a weakness for the Ferrari 87, the Mclarens and the two Williams, of course; which are two of my favorite F1 cars.
This is the first time I build a Fujimi kit and I have to say that for anyone accustomed to the superb Tamiya kits, this was a bit disappointing experience, needing more work for the detailing and the manufacturing technical approach of both kits is very different between both brands.

The photos of the Ferrari 248 interior, subject of the article, are very difficult to find around the web, so, I decided to buy them from Gurneyflap. I think they are about 70 pics and you get what you pay for since they are excellent.
Our thanks to Remi Humbert from Gurneyflap for letting us to have these pictures for the article.
I used the Hobby Design etched set. Perhaps it was my fault for not taking advantage of this aftermarket, but in my humble opinion except for the steering wheel, the radiators and some other aerodynamic part, it adds nothing special.
I neither found in this set some kind of solution for the rear suspension attachment in the gear box or a third antenna (the ones Fujimi provide are fairly good) and also I would have liked to find fasteners for the body.
I also used the Home Design decals with the Marlboro logo missing in the Fujimi kit. |


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