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The Revell kit is a reissue of the 6384 from the Italeri, but fortunately with more attractive color schemes. While Italeri offer it in two Olive Drab schemes, Revell kit is molded in three Ocean Grey schemes and one Olive Drab, each one with different options of decals.
Although the kit is good in general, some of its features come from the early and late LVT models.
The vehicle in this note, is one of the late production, which is still offered in the early Ocean Grey scheme, such as they last appeared in the Saipan conflict in June 1944. After this time all vehicles were repainted Olive Drab.

The complete serie of LVT(s) had a complex evolution, with many versions called in different ways. It’s essential to gather good reference material not to make mistakes; I believe this will be the key to improve your model.
So, here you have the bibliography I researched:
Fred Crismon - US Military Tracked Vehicles (Motorbooks International)
Steve Zaloga - US Amtracs and Amphibians at War 1941-45 (Concord)
Steve Zaloga - Amtracs: US Amphibious Assault Vehicles (Osprey)
Jim Mesko - US Amtracks in Action (Squadron/Signal)
Details in the superstructure
You’ll get a late model, just by making a few corrections and modifications.
Main improvements
Gun shields
The ones the kit supplies belong to the early version, they’re of less height and don’t cover the gunner’s station completely.
To build the Gun Shields of the “late” version, I used two aluminium sheets cut according to the drawing. Then, I proceeded to bend them letting a cylindrical bar (a pencil will work) roll until it took the ring camber of the kit turret.

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