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I’m a great Ferrari fan. Ever since the Enzo Ferrari was released by Tamiya, I have always wanted to build an Extreme detailed Enzo. My dream was finally realized in 2008 when I spent almost 6 months, test-fitting, scratchbuilding, recreating almost every single detail. Actually, this car was supposed to be ready by the end of 2007 in accordance to commemorate the 60th year of Ferrari history but unfortunately, I was unable to do so due to my busy schedule.
Let’s go back to some facts of the car. Besides of having the same name of the founder of Ferrari Company, it has a V12 engine, accelerates from 0 to 60mph in 3.2s, having only 399 of them excluding one which is auctioned off to raise money to help a disaster and equipped with the F1 technology on board. Needless to say, this car will definitely go down into the
history books of the finest car ever made. And now, let me present to you the 401st Enzo Ferrari scaled down just 24 times!
Extreme afterparts
Firstly, in order to show my seriousness in build an Extreme detailed Enzo, I’m going to list down most of the stuff I have used.
SMS Enzo Super Detail Kit
Acustion Enzo Wheel Set
Lion Roar Enzo P/E
Crazy Modeller Enzo P/E
Studio27 Seatbelt Set
Sakatsu Rear Damper Set
Studio27 & KA model Carbon Fibre Decals
MFH Heat Shield
Sakatsu Tire Valve, Push Switch
Top Studio Connector Plugs
Tamiya Enzo Kit

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