By Rad Fismistr
In 1979 Tamiya produced their first true off road chassis. The model came with fully dampered independent suspension, sealed gearbox and radio box, allowing it to run through puddles and in muddy terrain without water getting into the electrics and gearbox. All the bodies were made from highly detail injection moulded plastic. The Sand Scorcher is now one of the most sought after kits from that era. Most Tamiya RC collectors dearly want one of these Vintage models in their collections. Many collectors love the standard looks of the Sand Scorcher and some collectors modify the body and the chassis. This article is about one such modified Sand Scorcher and how it was done.
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The Snap-On Scorcher. From a Tamiya RC buggy 1/10 scale
Cars RC
The Snap-On Scorcher. From a Tamiya RC buggy 1/10 scale |
by Rad Fismistr © Modeler Site
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