By Mario Covalski
In 1993, when I discovered the 1/12 Tamiya Caterham, I absolutely fell in love with the kit and let me confess that after 15 years, I still feel the same. I've built 13 models based on the 10201, 10202 and 10203 Tamiya kits. Since the kits are so pricey, some of those models were sold to collectors and others were disassembled in order to build new versions. Speaking about this kit, last year in particular was quite intense since I built five models, combining parts, aftermarket...all in all, creating something new from the same parts. The one I'll show you here, was the last of that series, with a vintage look, sport style and some extra details that a car being on the leading edge of technology might have nowadays.
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The Caterham again! Tamiya 1/12 scale
The Caterham again! Tamiya 1/12 scale |
by Mario Covalski © 2008 Modeler Site
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