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For those fans of modern Soviet hardware, there are not many opportunities to be pleased about. There are just a few releases of this kind of vehicle and in general they are from brands which offer low quality products. This Gainful is an exception, since it’s quite a good kit (though not superb, as we’ll see later on) from Trumpeter, a company that since several years ago, have been offering quality products for a very reasonable price.
Up to the moment, the only way of modeling a Gainful was to use a resin conversion kit from Cromwell, designed to be used on a Shilka from Dragon. This Trumpeter release saves us a lot of work and ($$$ too), since it’s always easier to build a plastic than a resin kit. |

As always, to facilitate the kit assembly, we’ll divide it into two subassemblies: the missiles launcher and the chassis.
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