By Francisco Soldan Alfaro
What else can I tell you about the history of the beautiful Russian fighter that has not been said yet. However, it was difficult for me to make my decision about the camouflage, since the MIG 3, like is not usual with others WWII Soviet aircrafts, offers several options. Finally, and after looking at references pictures and bibliography, I decided to build the MIG 3 “Red 39” belonging to the famous 120 IAP (Istrebitel’niy Aviapolk, or Fighter Regiment) based on Vnukovo, and was part of the 6 GIAK-PVO in Winter 1941-1942. It was a real challenge for me to get the faded and weathered effect on the winter camouflage, since they were painted in a casein based paint. Then, I had to make it look real showing the result of the fume exhausts and hard weather conditions.
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Weathering a 1/32 Trumpeter Mig 3
Weathering a 1/32 Trumpeter Mig 3
by Francisco Soldan Alfaro © Modeler Site |
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