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Some years ago a friend of mine gifted me a resin kit, he had made, to convert the Tamiya Type 82 Kübelwagen into a Holzgas powered vehicle. Before that moment I have never seen a picture of such car and when I finally found one it seemed quite peculiar to me. The prominent hunch on the hood gave it a very different look from the normal Kübelwagen.
Editor note: The author refers to a garage kit made by a friend of him, the brand was XS-Project and is not available anymore. Nowadays you can find the Aires kit #3011 for the Tamiya or Hasegawa kits.
A what if model
That was enough for me, I ordered a Tamiya Kubel kit to start with as soon as possible. Meanwhile I worked on many projects I had started and soon I forgot about the Kubel and kept it in stand by for a long time. A couple of months ago a sudden feeling of shame surprised me when I saw it in the locker and so I started with it immediately.

Finally the waiting was not such a bad thing as in the meantime I got the excellent Blackdog resin kit (Blackdog Kübelwagen accessories set) for the Kübelwagen that came perfectly for the idea I had in mind. I wanted to represent a fully operational vehicle, full of equipage and gear, even if I have never seen a picture of any in this situation nor any kind of information that could support the idea. So this is a little “what if” model. |

The instructions of the XS-Proyect kit were not very clear so I had to check for other similar kits to use the resin parts correctly. I used some of the photoetched parts provided but not all of them. I didn’t use all of the Blackdog kit resin parts neither, I left the spare wheel and the covered windshield.
I built the Tamiya kit mostly straightforward substituting the correspondent plastic parts for the resin ones during the process. It was very easy as both XS-Project and Blackdog kits fit perfectly to the vehicle. The tubes of the conversion kit seemed too narrow for me so I made them again with some plastic rods that I cut and bent with a candle flame.
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