
Decorating a sWS schwerer Wehrmatch Schepper

1/35 scale

by  Patricio Delfosse © 2002 Modeler Site


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Esta Nota es ofrecida en formato PDF, el cual puede ser leído o impreso usando el Acrobat reader, contacte a nuestro webmaster > Aquí

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From time to time, there is a question that modelers ask to each other: "What is more important, the construction or the painting?". Of course, if a kit has not correctly been built, no matter how we try to do a perfect painting job, It will not get better, but, if we do a nice and careful building, we'll get a worthwhile result. Since this kit was built straight from the box, you'll soon understand the purpose of this note. In short, we'll also corroborate the words of the Editor of Modeler Site in January's 2003 editorial. "please remember that probably, whatever you need to have fun -being happy with plastic modeling- may be inside de box…"