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Mack Bulldog Truck Dump (1927)

by Angel Cabrera


The vehicle
The Mack Model AC was introduced in the market in 1916 and in 1927 it had already become one of the more prestigious trucks of the time in the United States: its robustness and durability assure this. It was manufactured during 24 years, up to 1939, having been built 40.299 trucks, according to manufacturer's data. Such was its prestige that the U.S. Army used them during the WWI not only as logistical vehicle but as base for the production of shielded vehicles using the chassis of the model CA.


The scale model

This Monogram's kit was manufactured first in 1976 but surprisingly in spite of its age it's good. It has more than 130 excellent parts, with few mold marks strategically located not for being seen if they are not filled and sanded. The parts are well detailed with bolts and mechanisms. The chassis and motor are themselves magnificent models to build and can be used to create a great variety of scratch models, the cabin can also be used; in all kit's versions it is the standard one of the Mack AC.

To my request, Mack Museum sent me many references about this model (see images), then I could compare each part and each group with the original ones and this kit really only lacks of 5 or 6 parts to be accurate.

Two of these parts belong to the motor; another one (the most complex) is the one that corresponds to the whole pedals mechanism under the cabin (although this parts are hidden after its assembling).

Others lost details are in the exhaust pipe, which will have to be completed with one of the multiples versions that there are and queerly the kit doesn't provide. It is necessary to bear in mind that the kit refers to a 1926 model and the references I have correspond to the 1927 model. Maybe this explains some differences as the pedals configuration inside the cabin or the small modifications carried out in the motor. 

Some Dumpers included a lateral opening mechanism that allowed that the tailgate could be opened from the front. We can choose to detail this mechanism or to detail the conventional one, which was on the tailgate. 

Monogram have manufactured four versions, (I believe, those shown on the right). Recently, in the number 4 issue of Hobby World magazine, the reissue of one of this kits (the Log Hauler) was announced as novelty by Revell-Monogram.

As last note I want to comment that the instruction manual is very peculiar and confused, it should be observed and read step by step several times before beginning the building.


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The colors these vehicles were painted are very simple: gloss black for the chassis and motor's base, and several colors for the booth's configuration (that can also be metalized black). The images show the assembly process and the chassis and motor painted, on which I applied dry brush and washes in brown simulating mud and dirt. I left the booth and the dumper as they were new. The glasses have been changed by acetate. At the end of this page you'll see graphics that show the parts I scratch built.


Solving troubles
When I was mounting the booth, I discovered a mistake that should have to be solved. The hood of the motor doesn't adjust when closing, leaving a gap of about two millimeters. There are two possible solutions; to reduce the booth (meaning a lot of work and the result will be out of scale) or lengthen the hood ( it's a very difficult work, but it would seem more real).



This model was selected as the best of its category (civil vehicles) in the virtual web contest "What's on the Worktop?", on July-August  2000


More information

At the end of this review you will find several useful images, that will help you to detail with more precision the motor and booth.

Building a deteriorated Mack (on the same Monogram's kit ): The Bulldog Conquers The World (1926 Mack AC "Bulldog").

The page of 1924 Mack Model AC "Bulldog" from Antique Gas & Steam Engine Museum.

In the official mark site you will find the web page Mack History.

I'm grateful to the Mack Museum that gently sent me information about this vehicle.


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